The Recipe: Mediterranean Vegetables with ‘Half-Salted’ Pork Shank – Hotel Metropole Monte-Carlo

Curated by Christophe Cussac, executive chef at Hotel Metropole Monte-Carlo’s two-Michelin-starred Les Ambassadeurs by Christophe Cussac, these stuffed Mediterranean vegetables serve 6 and will be a colourful and delicious addition to a summer dinner table.


 For the stuffing: 

  • 100g half-salted pork shank (cooked) 
  • 2 carrots 
  • 2 large white onions 
  • 2 red peppers 
  • 2 chards 
  • 2 cloves of garlic 
  • 2 zucchini 
  • 1 bunch of basil 
  • 10g rice 
  • 1 egg 
  • 100g parmesan cheese 
  • Olive oil 

 For the vegetables: 

  • 6 zucchini 
  • 6 onions 
  • 6 tomatoes 
  • Variety of salad leaves 
  • Sherry dressing 
  • 1 strand of chervil 
  • 1 sprig of chives 
  • 1 strand of coriander 
  • 1 strand of parsley 
  • 1 strand of dill 


 For the stuffing: 

  • Trim the carrots, chard whites, peppers and zucchini in fine brunoise. 
  • Chop the onion, garlic, chard greens and basil. 
  • Sweat the onion and garlic in olive oil in a saucepan. 
  • Add the vegetables previously cut into brunoise. 
  • Once cooked, add the parmesan, egg, and shredded pork shank. 
  • Continue until the ingredients are bonded together. 
  • Set aside to cool. 

 For the vegetables: 

  • Cut the vegetables at ¾ and hollow them out. 
  • Hollow out the cap of the zucchini. 
  • Cook the onion and zucchini for about 15 minutes. 
  • Stuff all the vegetables. 
  • Attach the onion cap with a wooden pick. 
  • Stuff the tomatoes, zucchini, and onions. 
  • Bake in the oven at 180 degrees Celsius for about 20 minutes (however this will depend on the size of the vegetables). 

Hotel Metropole


4 Avenue de la Madone, 98000 Monaco, France