The Family

The Family

Someone, somewhere once offered this pearl of wisdom, ‘friends are the family you choose.’ This exclusive editorial for The Arcadia is a representation of how the 21st century has redefined family as we know it, our lives are constantly enriched by people who are not necessarily from our bloodline. This sentiment was ever-present in the collaborative minds of stylist Jay Best and photographer Diana Chire.

The Family

Domi wears: Playsuit: Supremebeing, Ellie wears: Racer Vest: Supremebeing

The Family

Jose wears: Polo shirt: Mastrum,  Shorts: Element  Cameron wears:Polo shirt: Ben Sherman,  Shorts: Edwin

The Family

Ellie wears: Dress: Supremebeing Domi wears:Dress: Supremebeing

The Family

Ellie wears: Racer Vest: Supremebeing Cameron wears: Shirt: Ben Sherman, Shorts: Edwin

The Family

Ellie wears: Top: Stylists Own Domi wears: Racer Vest: Supremebeing Jose wears: Shirt: Supremebeing Shorts: Penfield

Cameron wears: Shirt: Ben Sherman Shorts: Edwin



Diana Chire


Jay Best


Katie Knox using Bumble and Bumble

Make Up:

Anna Frances Inglis Hall using Mac and Benefit


Cameron @ Models1

Jose @ AMCK Models

Domi @ Premier Models

Ellie @ Select Model Management


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