My Life in Isolation: Tom Rogers ‘Gourmet Guy’

Tom Gourmet Guy

Tom Rogers, better known as ‘Gourmet Guy’ is the ultimate foodie and co-founder of Crab Communications. He has been coined as ‘Foodie to Follow’ by the Evening Standard and his best of London and beyond coverage on Instagram have won him a legion of foodie fans.

Every Sunday on his Instagram, Tom does a roundup of handy foodie things people can get in isolation, from vegetables to DIY kits.

We caught up with Tom to find out about his life in isolation…

Where do you live? What does isolation look like for you there? How has your local community been affected?

I live in Clapham Common – Truly I’ve never been more grateful to have the Common on our doorstep.

The high street, although fairly quiet, still has a little life, the butchers, a few grocery stores in old restaurants and the never -ending queue for Sainsbury’s.

I’m a born and bred Londoner, but I’ve never felt a sense of community like during Coronavirus, just participating in the Thursday clap I meet so many neighbours. 

Can you talk us through your daily routine in isolation?

The cat normally wakes me up at 7:30am, normally by sitting on my head and crying for breakfast.

After a quick shower and a piece of toast, I work until midday, speaking to clients, pitching stories etc, then it’s an online gym class, followed by lunch. After that, another hour or two more work and then, depending on the weather, it’s normally time for a glass of wine… needs must!

How has your life changed since being in isolation?

I work in Restaurant PR, so CV-19 was a life changer! Overnight we lost a number of clients and saw tough and serious chef’s, who have run successful businesses for years, break down in total uncertainty.

I’m also used to dining out with clients or friends, so having 3 meals a day at home has been a real adjustment (and even my cooking skills are gradually improving). The good news my family and I are healthy, happy and ready to come out of this guns blazing!

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learnt during this time?

I’ve realised two important things: first, just how important community is – from the outpouring of support in the first weeks of the virus for restauranteurs, delivery companies and suppliers, to the incredible things people are doing to show the NHS support every day. The second is just how compatible my wife and I are. We’ve been together in a small flat for over 5 weeks now and bar a few small disputes (like who’s doing the hoovering) we couldn’t be happier.

What are your self-care tips at home?

Keep some form of routine, even if it’s just having a lie in on weekends or getting up to make coffee on weekdays. Once the days blur into one you’re in a downward spiral.

What advice would you give to others that may be struggling?

Everything comes to a natural end eventually and once this is over and we return to our travels, friends and fun they will all seem that much sweeter.



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