My Life in Isolation: Sophia Brows

With her Midas touch, Sophia Brows has cemented herself as one of London’s most sought after aestheticians. Her clients include, Maya Jama and Sabrina Elba.

We caught up with Sophia to find out about her life in isolation…

Where do you live? What does isolation look like for you there? How has your local community been affected?

West Kensington. Home is also my work place, I’m used to seeing so many clients in a day and friends, so to go from 100-0 has been super difficult.

I’m blessed we live super close to our local shop and not far is Holland Park – my second home! The community has been heavily affected, especially with Kensington being one of the worst hit areas. It’s bizarre to hear the birds so loudly in the mornings.

Can you talk us through your daily routine in isolation?

My daily routine starts pretty early. I’ve had days that I wake late but usually rise between 6am-7:30am. I work out then have my breakfast.

I like to use midday to clean. My girl and I made an old school R&B playlist that I’ve been blasting that and just enjoyed being in my dressing gown.

In the evenings I’ve been relaxing, I lose patience with series so I’ve been binging on films, documentaries and books. I love to surf Instagram but I’m trying to use this time to detox and that’s why I haven’t filmed anything.

How has your life changed since being in isolation?

Life is quieter however, my social connections have changed. Not being with clients all day has allowed me to build on some meaningful friendships as I have more time to connect. 

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learnt during this time?

To sit back and be grateful for what I have. I rarely take time out, I struggle to fully relax and always work to have more, so it’s been a huge lesson for me. 

What are your self-care tips at home?

My self care tips would definitely be to use this time to grow out those brows. If you’re a naturally curly haired girl, this is the perfect time to embrace those curls and do deep masks.

Everyone asks me about my skin and one of my best investments was my LED boost mask from the Light Salon, it has become an everyday essential. I use it every morning and night and use that time to practice my breathing and relax.

What advice would you give to others that may be struggling?

Do your best to protect your mental health by embracing this uncertainty. Enjoy this time, we may never have this back again. I always jump ahead and think about the months ahead, when really today and tomorrow is all that matters.



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