My Life in Isolation: Sarah Lysander

Sarah Lysander

We caught up with Sarah Lysander, model and founder of LysanderSwim, to find out about her life in isolation…

Where do you live? What does isolation look like for you there? How has your local community been affected?

I live in North West London in a 2 bedroom flat… with no garden! This makes isolation a little bit more tricky, as I envy those who are able to sit out in the garden in the sun.

Surprisingly my local high street is actually very busy on a daily basis, with people queuing outside the local supermarkets. I have witnessed anger by many people in my community. I have seen fights and arguments break out as there is an undeniable sense of frustration in the air.

Can you talk us through your daily routine in isolation? 

I wake up naturally at 9.30am, feed and give the dog a small walk. Reply to emails and take content for clients if a job pops up. Then I make lunch, take the dog for a hours walk on Hampstead Heath or at Regents Park. In the afternoon I lounge around, watch a series and tidy the flat. Then I make dinner, watch a movie and go to bed.

How has your life changed since being in isolation?

I’m a very ‘up and go’ person whether it is going work or the gym, so I’m finding it hard having such a restricted schedule.

I live with my boyfriend and our dog, so I’m really grateful to be spending this quality time with them, as we have never had each other around so much.

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learnt during this time?

When you live with someone, patience is key! Being on lockdown has tested our patience however we learnt at the early stages that we must keep calm in order to get through this.

What are your self-care tips at home?

Have a shower every day! It is so easy to become complacent with not leaving the house however I found that when I was feeling down and sluggish, the one way to always bring my spirits up was by having a simple shower.

What advice would you give to others that may be struggling?

Take up a hobby that you may have done when you were younger. I loved to skate when I was little so I bought myself a pair of rollerblades 

Cooking and painting is very time consuming, which is great during this time and also very rewarding.




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