My Life in Isolation: Grace Acladna

Grace is an incredibly soulful singer, songwriter, producer and model with Body London Model Management who is originally from South West London.

We caught up with Grace to find out about her life in isolation…

What does isolation look like where you live? How has your local community been affected?

I’ve only recently moved to Stoke Newington, so I don’t know what it’s like here when it’s not lockdown. It seems that everyone gets the same ideas on sunny days, so there can be a lot of busy parks but when it’s grey or rainy, it can be incredibly quiet. A few of my favourite cafes and restaurants have had to close which is sad to see.

Can you talk us through your daily routine in isolation?

My daily routine varies, depending on what I have to do on the day but I do have a morning ritual. I have a healthy, tasty breakfast – oat muesli with berries and honey and then I make a coffee in a moka pot, then I say a little prayer and meditate. These little things set me up for the day ahead.

What are the biggest impacts the lockdown has had on your life?

Lockdown has made my life slower, it’s meant that I don’t feel the pressure to fulfil any social engagements, which I didn’t realise until recently, were taking a lot of energy out of me.

What has been a silver lining from being in isolation? Any special memories?

It was really sad not being able to go home to my parents for Christmas, but I ended up having a lovely festive season with my flatmates, as we were all stuck in the same situation. We cooked lovely meals, drank prosecco, and all in all had a very merry time.

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learnt during this time?

I’ve learnt how much I need space to myself. Being introverted, I really thrive when I spend time on my own, and it gives me more energy to be able to interact with others and get on with life. After this lockdown, I’d like to make sure I put more time in my schedule to take care of myself.

What are your self-care tips at home?

Drink lots of water, try to go outside everyday, even if it’s only for ten minutes. Physical actions really help your mental well being, like exercise, breathing exercises and eating well. Be mindful of what you watch, whether it be films, TV or social media. Also, take it easy from time to time, it’s good to rest.

Where do you want to travel to when the restrictions are lifted?

I have friends in Singapore and Tokyo I would love to visit.

Transport yourself to December 2021, what would you like to have achieved this year?

I would like to have another EP out and hopefully be gigging again! 




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