My Life in Isolation: Conna Walker

Conna Walker is one of the leading young entrepreneurs in the world, founder of high-street and online powerhouse House of CB and its sister brand Mistress Rocks. We caught up her to find out about her life in isolation…

Where do you live? What does isolation look like for you there? How has your local community been affected?

I’m currently isolated in L.A, luckily the weather is great and there is a lot of open space, so we haven’t got it as bad as NYC. Everything is super quiet like a ghost town, I feel like people here have been taking it super seriously which is great.

Can you talk us through your daily routine in isolation?

I’ve been waking up naturally at around 7am, instead of relying on an alarm. I feed my dog, then go into my home office to work for a few hours, after that I’ll go run (jog/walk lol) up and down the hill I live on and continue working out in the house for about an hour.

Then I make lunch, I’ve really taken up cooking in quarantine – I was never really interested that much before but I love food. Then I walk the dog and watch TV, thats pretty much it! 

How has your life changed since being in isolation?

Work is a lot more quiet, our teams are all working remotely so things move a little slower. I’m very lucky that I’m in a privileged position to be able to safely work from home and chill a bit more. It is quite stressful of course with the company but aside from that I’m just very grateful for the position I’m in. 

What has been the biggest lesson you’ve learnt during this time?

I’m trying to be more comfortable being myself, I saw a tweet that said ‘We fill our time being busy, so we don’t have to address unresolved trauma’. So I’ve been trying to work on that by being comfortable by myself, with my self and just allow myself to slow down and not panic lol.

What are your self-care tips at home?

Literally do whatever you feel like doing. If you wanna get dressed up and feel cute, do it. If you wanna read, do it, if you wanna chill, then chill, if you feel productive, be productive. I personally love a nap for self care.

What advice would you give to others that may be struggling?

If your mental health is struggling, then try figure out if there is anything specific making you uncomfortable. Do a little Google and research into what might help you get past that. I think it is also fair to say, everyone can be struggling just because of everything going on, and that it is realistic and reasonable to feel down and not to beat yourself up if you do. For me, I like the distraction of books and TV to feel better.



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