My Life in Isolation: Birdy Mackenzie

Birdy grew up a few doors down from her beloved grandparents in Barnes and discovered her love for cooking and baking right by her grandma’s side. She spent weekends tearing around country lanes with her one true love, her 90s Golf GTI. She studied for a diploma in Art and when she is not working as a model, she can be found in her studio working on her sustainable fashion line.

We caught up with Birdy to find out about her life in isolation…

What does isolation look like where you live? How has your local community been affected? 

I still live down the road from my grandparents and it’s been hard not being able to pop in and have a cup of tea and catch up. I’m really lucky to have all the local amenities on my doorstep in Barnes, the queues are driving me insane so I can poke my head out the door and check how busy the fishmonger or greengrocer are looking.

Can you talk us through your daily routine in isolation? 

I wake up early and exercise first thing. One good habit I’ve developed is a morning green juice – tastes like my food recycling box BUT it does wonders for my skin. At the moment I’m designing my own clothes so the majority of my day is taken up with that. Later I take my dog for a walk, cook a nice meal early evening and nestle down on the sofa for Married at First Sight Australia.

What are the biggest impacts the lockdown has had on your life?

Enforced time off has taught me to slow down. It’s been great for curating a healthy routine and I feel I’ve really connected with my body. However, I really miss my friends and socialising. I crave the nights out with my mates, eating tapas, drinking cocktails and dancing.

What has been a silver lining from being in isolation? Any special memories?

My boyfriend and I have had some epic date nights. Cooking delicious meals and playing lots of card games. We recently discovered Aldi’s £10.99 champers and can’t get enough!

What has been the biggest lesson youve learnt during this time?

I’ve learnt the importance of slowing down. Life in the city especially can be really fast paced and when you’re trying the build a career it can be easy to lose touch.

What are your self-care tips at home?

Wake up early! It’s so easy for the day to slip away if you sleep through the morning. I find it makes me more productive and feel more positive. Take time to care for your body and skin, the kinder you are to your outside the better you feel on the inside.

Where do you want to travel to when the restrictions are lifted?

Anywhere with a beach, good food and lots of cocktails! I’d love to go to go to Turkey next, portokalopita is my new favourite cake and I’m dying to try the real thing.

Transport yourself to December 2021, what would you like to have achieved this year?

I love my job and feel so lucky to be able to keep working through these tough times and I really hope I can keep working and get some great jobs under my belt. I would also love to have my clothing line up and running, that would feel like a huge achievement.




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