Introducing Entrepreneur Liva Mikelsone-Cudova: Founder of the Livette’s Wallpaper Empire

Liva Mikelsone-Cudovan is a dynamic entrepreneur and co-founder of Livette’s Wallpaper, a brand that has redefined the world of interior design with its stunning and innovative wallpaper collections. With a keen eye for aesthetics and a passion for creating beautiful spaces, Liva has successfully combined her artistic vision with entrepreneurial spirit, leading Livette’s Wallpaper to become a go-to name for those looking to elevate their interiors.

In this interview, we will explore Liva’s journey from concept to creation, the inspiration behind her designs, and her insights into the ever-evolving landscape of the home decor industry. Join us as we uncover the story behind Livette’s Wallpaper and learn how Liva is making her mark in the world of design.

  • Can you tell us about your journey into wallpaper design? What initially drew you to this creative field, and how did it evolve into your entrepreneurial venture?

Ever since I was a teenager I knew that I wanted to own my own business. At the time I didn’t know in which niche it will be, but I always loved to explore various entrepreneurial ideas, and biographies of successful people have always been my favourite books to read, so there was this major inspiration that everything is possible. Regarding the creative field, as a kid I always loved to draw, paint and express my creative ideas through different mediums.

It was the best way to pass the time and create something that will possibly bring joy to the people these creative makings were dedicated to. In addition to that, I also have always had a great passion for interior design. I loved browsing through architectural magazines and was mesmerized by unique interior makeover projects, and visiting various home decor stores was one of the greatest passtime for me as I could allow myself to dream up various kinds of interior settings that I or someone else could live in. However after graduating from high school, I made a decision to obtain a bachelors degree in graphic design instead as at the time it seemed like a more sensible choice and something that I could see myself doing in the future.

At the time, Pinterest, Facebook and Etsy were also very much happening, so at one point in my 3rd year of studies, Livette’s Wallpaper was born. It was a combination of love for interiors, my experience in graphic design, and a hidden entrepreneurial spirit that allowed this to happen. It was also the time when wallpaper was ‘happening’ again, so there was a little bit of luck as well — to be able to jump on board of this trend at the perfect time.

  • Being named in Forbes 30 Under 30 is a huge achievement. How has this recognition impacted your career and business?

At times I still don’t believe this has actually happened, however, it is a great honour to be a part of the global Forbes Under 30 List. To see that others recognize the years of hard work and dedication to quality, value and business that evolved essentially out of nothing means a world to me and Livette’s Wallpaper! And one of the things I am grateful for the most is the possibility to be a part of the amazing Forbes community.

I am a person who thrives in positive energy and when ‘everything is possible’ mindset is happening, and it is something that is always present in Forbes Lister venues and one of the common traits that all of the Listers share. Not to mention the networking and business opportunities that can be found when so many like-minded people come together.

  • Your designs are known for being innovative and unique. Where do you find inspiration for your wallpaper creations, and how do you keep your ideas fresh?

I am always open to find inspiration wherever I go, and I know my design team is exactly the same. The inspiration for a design or a collection can come from travels and the vibe of a particular city or country, or a simply stunning color mix that you see randomly on the street on your way to work. I believe I have always had a good ‘eye’ for what works and even though we [Livette’s Wallpaper] don’t limit ourselves to a particular design style, we always try to add a modern twist to all of our designs to ensure cohesiveness yet offering diversity at the same time.

  • As an entrepreneur, what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced in building your business, and how have you overcome them?

Even though the business was founded by myself, I’ve always had a great help from my husband who has been there since the beginning of Livette’s Wallpaper. Starting a business is not easy, especially if you have no financial backing or previous experience, but he was always there to encourage me when things were hard and reminded that I just have to believe in my strengths, keep moving forward one foot at a time and focus on the value that Livette’s can offer and what it can become.

Over the years we’ve had many great ups and many tough downs, especially since the pandemic. And as a business owner you can never really be off, as you have to be there not only for the business itself, but for the team too. So it’s problem solving 24/7, which sometimes seem to be the biggest challenge of them all. It is sometimes incredible that from a tiny Etsy store we are now generating over 2M USD annually with essentially one product and we still see great potential for growth and cannot wait to see what future brings and when those hard times present themselves — we sit down to figure out the best strategy and encourage each other to keep moving forward. 

  • Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in design industries. How do you incorporate sustainability into your work, and what trends do you see shaping the future of wallpaper design?

Our goal is to encourage conscious consumerism, with thought out purchases and emphasis on quality and longevity, to steer away from fast fashion style home decor. Since the very beginning we have always focused on sustainable practices. For example, our packaging has always been made from recycled materials and is recyclable too, as well as the wallpaper materials we have chosen have always been PVC-free, which has been a very important factor for everyday consumer.

Even though recently we have introduced commercial vinyl wallpaper in our product range, we are also staying true to listening to our customers and their needs and this was a product that was highly requested by our customer base of interior designers and professionals, so we listened.

And as we have always been a made-to-order brand, which means we do not have unnecessary or unusable stock that goes to waste and we only ship products once, even though we are not fully pvc-free anymore, we avoid any unnecessary production at all times. Furthermore, considering there are various ways to customise our wallpaper, this kind of production practice also ensures there is as little waste as possible once the product is installed.

As we have always seen sustainability as an important part of our business practice, that we believe will only become more and more important amongst consumers, thinking about the longevity of our brand we try to do better day by day. For example focusing more and more on efficiency regarding production and energy consumption, as well as the little but important everyday things in our office too. It seems to have shifted from a trend to a must and I believe it is the future of production not only for wallpaper, but home decor as a whole.

  • You’ve been able to balance both creative and business aspects of your career. How do you manage this balance, and what advice would you give to other creatives who want to become entrepreneurs?

I believe that the best way to go about this is to have a clear understanding of your strong sides and shortcomings. Creative side has always been my passion and forte, however as Livette’s Wallpaper started as a side hustle, I was running it solo for several years and many business aspects I have had to learn along the way, simply because at the beginning I didn’t have an option to hire a team right away. However Livette’s for a while now has been a family business as I run it together with my husband and I have him to thank for, for taking on various business and production parts of the business, which, essentially, is his strong suit.

Acknowledging our strengths has allowed us to be a great team and achieve our business goals, and therefore I would recommend to create a team with individuals who each have different strong sides and, possibly, even know many things way better than you do, as in my view it adds incredible value and drives the business forward. And remember, there will always be days where it seems like everything is going wrong — my advice would be to keep moving forward and see what you can learn from each situation! 

  • Wallpaper design can transform spaces in remarkable ways. How do you approach collaborating with clients to bring their visions to life while maintaining your signature style?

One of the values I’ve always wanted to add to everyone who shops at Livette’s is for us to do our best to make sure each customer finds the perfect product and we produce the best wallpaper. There is nothing more disappointing [at least for me] to find a product or design that you love but then realising there is only couple colors or sizes it comes in.

I love the idea of offering our customers the possibility to create their dream interiors, and if that means we match the wallpaper colors to a specific paint the customer has chosen for the home, or even do custom designs for our professional customer base, we are happy to do that. There are so many possibilities to create new bestsellers and trendsetters that can come to life, if you listen to your customers, so we welcome this creative collaboration with open arms!

  • What are the key qualities you believe have helped you succeed as a young entrepreneur in a competitive design industry?

I would say that key things would be a positive mindset, finding the right team and not giving up. As an entrepreneur, you solve problems daily and that’s just something you have to accept from day one. Most of the time, you have to power through, reevaluate your priorities and pivot, if needed. The right team as well as a positive mindset will always help you do that, and if you really love what you do, it’s not that difficult to deal with those hard days. Wallpaper itself has been here for hundreds of years, so at Livette’s we stay true to our values — focusing on quality in all aspects of our brand, and listening to our customers. 

  • As someone who has achieved so much at a young age, what goals or projects are you most excited about for the future of your business?

My goal has always been for Livette’s to be a long-lasting brand. Just recently we have introduced printed fabrics and peel and stick backsplash to our product range, which are our first steps in becoming Livette’s Home.

There are so many talented artisans who create spectacular decor pieces and given our 10 year experience in the field and our loyal customer base, we would love to have the opportunity to expand and offer a wide range of home decor products to help our customers create their dream homes, while helping artisans find new customers around the world! Oh, and sometime in the future I would love to explore my passion for interior design further and see where it leads, so perhaps we are looking at Livette’s Interiors somewhere down the line, too! 

  • What advice would you give to aspiring designers and entrepreneurs who want to make a name for themselves in the design world, especially in such a niche market like wallpaper?

This might sound cliche, but stay true to your style, expect difficulties and say yes to opportunities. Business is definitely not easy, but oh-so very rewarding, if you love what you do!
