How looking good can help you feel your best

Everyone has that one outfit that, the second you put it on, you feel your confidence increases. You may stand up a little taller as well and feel as though you can tackle the day. This is clear evidence that when you look good, you feel better. 

Knowing how to get this feeling regularly can be tough, though. Here are some tips to help you use your clothing to boost your mood. 

The Psychology Behind Dressing Well

Although we teach our kids not to judge people by the way they dress, there is an inherent human trait to do just that. The way you dress is an indication of the sort of person you are. Bright, colourful clothing tends to be worn by bubbly or outgoing people. On the other hand, if you are more introverted and reserved, you are likely to wear more neutral, toned-down items. 

Not only do your outfits showcase your personality, but they can also reflect your emotional state. This is called ‘enclothed cognition’. Whilst this is largely an unconscious decision, knowing about it can help you make choices which will improve your mood. 

Boosting Confidence Through Style

When you get dressed in the morning, you want to pick an outfit that is both comfortable and that reflects your style. By balancing both of these factors, you reap the most psychological benefits possible. 

If you feel comfortable and can move your body in the way you like, you won’t feel self-conscious or aware of your movements. This leads to more natural interactions with colleagues, friends and family, which enhances your relationship with them.

The Impact of Well-fitting Clothing and Undergarments

Ill-fitting or unintentionally baggy clothing can ruin the aesthetic you are going for. This can lead to you feeling embarrassed, self-conscious and even anxious about your appearance. 

Taking time to try on and only purchasing clothing that fits properly is key. If this is something you struggle with, see if you can employ a local tailor to help. This extends to undergarments as well as daily wear. 

Wearing well-fitting and luxury bras not only feels great, but it can improve your posture and contribute positively to breast health. 

Dressing for Success: Professional Goals  

Dressing for success isn’t a new concept. The idea that dressing for the job you want can help you actualise your goal has been around for years. However, there is some truth in it.

If you are looking for a promotion at work into a senior role, dressing by their standards can indicate subconsciously to higher-ups that you are ready to step into the role. This doesn’t mean you mimic your boss’s wardrobe entirely – make sure you don’t lose your individuality at the same time. 

Instead, curate a wardrobe that is versatile for any professional setting. This could include less formal jumpers and shoes as well as tailored skirts, blazers and office trousers. Being able to fit in for different vibes showcases you at your best. 


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