Essential Roles in Creating a Remarkable Dedicated Team for Your Startup

 If you do not have sufficient internal resources in your company to implement a new solution, or your employees with appropriate expertise already have a lot of regular tasks that do not allow them to take on new responsibilities, you may need the services of an outsourcing agency that will provide you with a dedicated team. However, what kind of specialists should form it? Below, we will shed some light on this.

Types of Talents You Will Most Likely Need

So what specialists should be included in your dedicated software development team? Let’s try to find out right now.

  • Project manager. This is a key person in your remote team who is the link between technical specialists and you. In addition to tasks related to planning each project stage, tracking the productivity of individual team members, and evaluating the results of their activities, this specialist is also responsible for organizing effective communication between all parties to the project.
  • System architect. Typically, the activity of this specialist is aimed at solving particular business problems using certain information technologies. In practice, the tasks of system architects are focused on building an adaptive architecture, that is, the foundation of a digital solution, as well as its subsequent scaling taking into account the specific needs of the project.
  • Programmers. These are the real “labor bees” of the project as they carry out most of the practical work. Depending on specific hard skills, they may be involved in the implementation of the client part of the solution, its backend, business logic, connections with the DBMS, and so on.
  • QA engineers. These specialists can be involved either in a separate stage of the project, for comprehensive coverage of the program code with test cases, or in step-by-step checking its individual modules for compliance with project specifications as they are ready – it all depends on the development methodology chosen for a particular project. Before launching a digital solution into public use, they also apply final quality assurance measures to ensure that everything works as intended.
  • UI/UX designer. These pros implement the visual part of the project and also create user flows that make it intuitive for end users. They first create a mockup and, over time, refine it into a full-fledged design according to the requirements of the project owner and other stakeholders.
  • Business analyst. As critical members of dedicated teams, these experts align a project’s business goals with its technology stack and bridge knowledge gaps among software engineers and other technical specialists.

Optionally, dedicated software development teams may require both more narrowly focused and broad-based experts – it all depends on the unique requirements of your specific project.

Final Thoughts

We hope now you have realized what pros are needed in addition to dedicated software developers and can approach staffing your project team as thoughtfully as possible. Also, if you are looking for a reliable outsourcing dedicated software development agency with many years of experience, you can always contact us. We will select the best talents for your dedicated software team according to your individual requirements and guide you from the ideation stage to the post-release stages of your startup, gradually transforming it into a solution with a sustainable and profitable business model.


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