8 Steps to Find a Career That Complements Your Lifestyle

Adulthood does not eliminate childhood uncertainties, meaning that individuals might find themselves asking ‘What do I want to be when I am grown up’ even at an older age.

Visiting job searching websites and going through the contents of job descriptions could assist. Furthermore, certain career aptitude tests and personality assessment questionnaires can point you to the best career for you. But what is obvious is that it is a difficult and, at times, lifelong process to secure the ideal job.

Career choices do not always happen with a snap of a finger. This decision will have a positive or negative impact on the rest of your life. However, there is always an opportunity to switch the industry, or, in other words, to change the career. If you find it worrisome to perform this task, here is the stepwise guide that will enable the individual to make the right career decision.

Reflect Carefully on Who You are

We are all embarrassed sometimes, as for me, when we discuss our strengths and weaknesses, but it is important for your future job. So, allow yourself to take a seat and be alone with yourself.

Consider what your values and interests are, and what personal qualities you possess. Jot down the things that you are good at so that you can come up with a comprehensive list. Have you ever considered taking online interior design courses or maybe you are a more traditional kind of worker? Take your time and ponder it; do not rush through the decision-making. Imagine your future self – what do you think would be your ideal lifestyle and what would be your ideal working schedule? Seek jobs that will be compatible with such preferences.

Make a General List of Jobs

All the career tests that you have taken have provided you with some notions. List them in any order and then read the list thoroughly. Think about how this can work for you, and match your traits to these careers. It is also necessary to take into account personal values and the values of work.

There may be some careers that can be crossed off the list right away; however, there are others that would catch your attention. There can be jobs you have never heard of, or that never crossed your mind before. Creating a list of possible options is a very good starting point when you begin to consider given occupations more thoroughly.

Deeply Look at Your List Now

This gives you a few possibilities to consider, so now is the time to do some preliminary study on the occupations that are currently on your list. As you look over the choices on your list, consider the following questions:

  • Where are these positions available?
  • What kind of schooling is necessary to be successful in this field?
  • Does this career have long or short hours? What general lifestyle is typical?
  • What kind of salary expectations are there?

It might also be necessary to make some slight reductions. For instance, you might know without a doubt that you want to work in the medical field, but you might not be as confident about the exact position that will best suit you.

Cut Down Your List

There were likely some must-haves that you eliminated in the prior process when defining your deal-breakers. That’s a great thing. Reducing your choice list through research can limit your choices in the best possible way.

The goal is to generate a list of five different occupations. If you have not got to this stage yet, you should attempt to eliminate some jobs that are accompanied by some responsibilities, which seem rather unappealing to you, or tasks that somehow you do not feel like accomplishing at all.

Speak with Experts in Certain Areas of Study

To learn things that even job descriptions will not tell you, connecting with people who have selected your future occupation can be quite useful. It is always inspiring to listen to people with experience and hear their opinions on what might be best for you.

Networking enables one to ask them how they address time management and work-life balance issues. If they have just begun practicing that profession, you can ask how they found the new change or how they managed to secure the job.

Be Mindful of Your Objectives in Life

It means that when considering your goals, the assessment should be done through the prism of effects on your working and private life. Would you like more time with your family? Perhaps, getting a job that requires you to travel from one place to another is not appropriate for you.

Knowing what your life’s objectives are can enable you to see yourself as more than just a workaholic. List down the great goals that you desire to accomplish in the long run and short run and ensure that your career will allow it.

Your Career Path is Now Up to You

Well, that is the moment that has come for you to select your field of employment. But wait, if you are not prepared, then unfortunately, that’s the situation you’re stuck in. Maybe you need to gather more information or spend some time on it, so it is completely okay for you.

Believe in the research and effort you have put into this decision and remember that you are not stranded for life, and there is always a way to go back. It is perfectly normal for individuals to learn at some point in their lifetime that change is possible in the career choice they have made, regardless of age. It should not make you feel too stuck in the particular decision that you have made.

Put Your Plan on a Paper

Finally, after you have reached your conclusion, how are you going to get that dream job in the future? Career advancement does not solely entail choosing the kind of work you want to do but a strategy for getting there. Translate everything that has to be done into writing.

Are the GEDs required, or is there a training program or online course necessary? How many certifications are needed for your position? This way, when working out the steps that need to be taken to achieve the set goals, one will get an idea about the costs incurred and how long it will take before one can commence working.

Ultimately, selecting your future career is not a choice you should make hastily or poorly under duress. Remember that it is your life that is being discussed here. After all, it’s your passions and values that you should be showcasing, so make sure you listen to yourself.


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