10 Things To Do To Help You Wake Up Early 

Almost everyone knows that one person has to set the alarm and include ten backup alarms hoping that somewhere between the first and the eleventh, they would groggily get out of bed. Most often than not, they end up snoozing the alarm too many times and getting to work late – again. 

This article is for you if you struggle with waking up early to face the day. In it, we’ll discuss why you wake up late and what steps you can take to wake up early and ready to take on the day.

Why Do You Wake Up Late

There are many reasons you can’t seem to wake up on time, but the underlying reason is simple. You’re waking up late every day because you aren’t getting enough sleep within the time you get to sleep. Whether you’re staying up late watching a movie or you have a sleeping disorder, you’re finding it difficult to wake up early because you need more sleep. 

You can arrange your schedule to ensure you get enough sleep and wake up early. Here are ten things you can do to help you get up early.

  1. Consider Getting a Pet 

Unconventional approach, I agree. But pets can be a reliable alarm clock, not to talk of insistent. Unlike your regular alarm, which you can quickly snooze, your pets are less likely to be shut up. They would insistently bug you until you get up to fulfil their needs. So, get a pet, train them to expect breakfast at certain times and watch how they ‘motivate’ you to get out of bed. 

If you’ve always wanted a pet but haven’t gotten around to getting one, this is a sign to get one today. 

  1. Avoid Screen Light Before Bed 

One of the reasons people don’t wake up early is that they don’t sleep on time. 

Research shows that cutting off screen time 30 minutes to an hour before bedtime drastically improves your chances of falling asleep early. There are two reasons for this. 

Firstly, the screens from our devices emit a blue light that suppresses the production of melatonin, also known as the sleep hormone. Melatonin is a hormone that controls our circadian rhythm. It is produced as a response to darkness and prepares the body for sleep. Putting away bright lights from device screens and bulbs encourages melatonin production. 

Secondly, when you’re using your device before bed, it’s easy to get lost on social media and stay up past your bedtime. 

  1. Have a Bedtime Routine 

Everyone knows about the importance of having a morning routine. But bedtime routines are also as important, especially for those who struggle with insomnia. Your sleep cycle is more of a learned habit than a natural phenomenon; this is why you can correct your circadian rhythm. 

Having a bedtime routine can help you stick to your bedtime. This trick helps people who struggle with insomnia as well. When you have a bedtime routine, your body starts winding down and getting ready to sleep. It’s easier to wake up early when you get enough sleep at night. 

  1. Plan Your Days Better 

Planning your days better can improve your sleep and help you to wake up early and alert. Having a morning routine you follow religiously that prepares you for the day can improve your waking times. Knowing that you’re on a schedule with activities that could affect your productivity would encourage you to wake up when your alarm rings. This, in turn, gives you one of the main benefits of waking up early – more free time for the things you enjoy.

Also, planning your days well reduces your chances of working late into the night trying to meet deadlines. Then, you’d be able to stick to a regular bedtime that allows you to get enough sleep and still wake up early. 

  1. Take Melatonin 

Some people struggle with sleep, and staying up half the night would guarantee an inability to wake up early the following day. This is known as a delayed sleep disorder. Managing it improves your chances of getting enough sleep and waking up early. 

You can treat delayed sleep disorders with melatonin supplements. A little goes a long way with melatonin supplements, so start small and monitor the effects. If you need more, you can increase the dosage and if it doesn’t work after a few weeks of use, discontinue and meet a physician. 

  1. Sleep With The Curtain Open in Your Room 

Sleeping with your curtains open is another trick to help you wake up early by allowing the morning sun to enter your room. Dark rooms increase the production of melatonin and make you sleepier. On the other hand, sunlight and bright light foster alertness.

 A bonus point for sleeping with your curtain open is that you can’t ‘snooze’ it. 

  1. Make Small, Consistent Changes 

The mistake most people make when attempting a lifestyle change is to go hard at it. It rarely works in their favour. A lifestyle is a habit that can’t be changed in the time it takes to snap two fingers. So, if you struggle with waking up early, my advice is to start slow and be consistent in your change. Try waking up a few minutes earlier each week, and soon your body will adjust. The downside to making sudden, big changes to your sleep schedule is that you’ll end up exhausted and unable to attain peak productivity during the day. 

  1. Set an Alarm and Keep It Out Of Arm’s Reach 

An alarm can be ineffective if you want to wake up early. It’s so easy to snooze until you eventually wake up. But you can make sure your alarm does its job of waking you up by keeping it out of arm’s reach. You’re less likely to go back to sleep if you have to get out of bed to snooze your alarm. 

Some alarms are designed to fall off the dresser and roll out, forcing the owner to get out of bed to put them off. If you can’t get one of these alarms, consider keeping your alarm close enough to wake you but far enough to be out of your reach. 

  1. Find your Why and Make a Decision 

Like every other lifestyle change, waking up early will take some time to achieve. Most people give up in the process, so if you want to stick to your new sleeping pattern, you need to be motivated. Remember your reason for making this lifestyle change. It’ll come in handy on the days when you’re tempted to hit that snooze button. 

  1. Take Wake-Up Pills 

Part of waking up early is staying awake and alert while you start your day. If you aren’t alert after waking early, you’ll likely go back to bed for a bit of shut-eye. If you struggle with extreme sleepiness and grogginess after waking, wake up pills help make you alert. They contain active ingredients that promote alertness.


Getting enough sleep and waking up early affects productivity levels throughout the day and many people struggle with it. With the right mix of making healthy sleep choices and adopting some of the handy tricks above, you can make a successful lifestyle change.


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